The Benefits of Baby Lullabies

man kissing baby's foot

The image is a classic one: A new mom holding her tiny baby, rocking gently, and singing softly. Music is a universal language, and baby lullabies are the best way to teach it to your child. Plus, the sweet tunes may even boost your new baby’s health and development. Whether you sing the same songs your mother sang or you compose something special for your little one, there’s really no wrong way to sing baby lullabies to your infant. But if you’re stumped on how to get started, read on for some top tips.

Baby lullaby tip number 1: Boost your baby’s health.
It’s been proven that premature babies who hear music have improved heart rates, stronger breathing, and better feeding and sleeping patterns. And even if you don’t have a preemie, lullabies can still boost your baby’s development as any time spent engaging with and talking to your child is beneficial. Offer a tune before bed, when she’s crying, or anytime she needs to be comforted.

Baby lullaby tip number 2: Build a better bond.
Giving your child the gift of music is a great way to feel closer to your new baby. By choosing baby lullabies that are special to you or have other significant meaning (cultural, spiritual, or religious), you’re sharing a part of yourself and strengthening a very natural bond.

Baby lullaby tip number 3: Don’t forget mom.
Music has long been known to ease depression, calm nerves, and inspire people to dance. Singing baby lullabies to your infant can certainly help to work these wonders in new moms, too. If you’re feeling down or stressed out after being up all night with your little one, pick up your new baby and break into song!

Baby lullaby tip number 4: Just sing (it’s OK).
Trust us -- there’s no wrong way to sing a lullaby. And there’s no wrong song to choose, either. If you don’t have a favorite baby lullaby from childhood, then sing a song you love, whether it’s a pop tune, a rock-and-roll ballad, a holiday song, or even a commercial you hear on TV. Of course, you can always search online for classic lullabies and lyrics too.

Don’t be shy when it comes to singing lullabies. Your baby won’t mind if you are tone-deaf, you forget the words, or you sing the same verse over and over. She’ll love the time and attention you’re spending with her, as well as your soothing, familiar voice.

Photo by Felipe Salgado on Unsplash

by Jennifer Kelly Geddes