Baby Brain Boosters

baby with toys

Before you know it, you’ll be stumped by your child’s math homework. But for now, you’re his best teacher, and just by playing with him and interacting with him, you'll help make him smarter. Introducing new words, sounds, objects, and experiences encourages brain growth at an exponential pace.

If you feel like your cute little baby isn’t absorbing anything you say or do, just wait. In a few weeks, he’ll be wowing you with all his tricks -- things he learned from you!

How does your baby learn?

At birth, the brain is the only organ that is not fully developed; it is a work in progress. Everything that happens to your baby helps form the connections in his brain, so one-on-one interaction and the introduction of new, exciting things is very important to your baby’s brain development.

Introduce your baby to experiences that engage all five senses -- touch, sound, smell, sight, and taste. Simple things such as playing music, gently rubbing your baby’s palm over his dad’s scratchy beard, and even letting him smell your freshly brewed cup of coffee triggers the development of many complex pathways in his little brain.

One of the best parts of being a new mom or dad is watching your child discover the world. It’s a bit of a cliché, but the world is pretty awesome when you look at it through your child’s eyes!

Don’t obsess over reaching milestones

You’ve heard it once, you’ll hear it again, and it’s oh-so-true: All babies are different! Babies develop at different paces, and even if yours doesn’t appear to be gaining new skills, his little baby brain is working overtime!

Between birth and 3 months, your baby will work on motor skills such as better head control and the ability to open and shut his hands, social skills such as smiling, and sensory skills like the ability to track a moving object with his eyes.

Between 4 and 7 months, your baby will gain better control over his body, become more interested in social play, and explore the world with his hands and mouth.

As your baby approaches the 1-year mark, his brain will develop even further, allowing him to sit up and find hidden objects.

All of these milestones occur on a continuum of learning, and there’s a wide range of what’s considered normal. If you’re concerned about your baby’s progress, be sure to talk to your doctor. When there is a delay, early intervention can make a big difference.

Photo by mali desha on Unsplash

by Caitlin Boyle