The Best New Dad Gifts

dad with gift

Before I became a new dad for the first time, I was pretty sure I could avoid getting and using all the extra stuff fathers are supposed to need. I’m not a fancy guy, and I didn’t think I would need or want any fancy things.

Turns out that sometimes, having a baby changes you -- Who knew? Suddenly the guy who could do without the finer things found himself needing, wanting, craving certain baby care items just to make it through the day. It may sound crazy, but the right gear can really be clutch when it comes to soothing a crying baby and yourself! Here are a few things any new dad will find handy.

A manly diaper bag: Believe it or not, yes, these do exist. You’ll want to find something with a few pockets in a solid color. It needs a shoulder strap and could even be sporting a team logo. Diaper bags for dads are the perfect entry into fatherhood.

A book you liked as a kid: Parents end up reading the same books over and over and over again. So why not get that new dad something he’ll enjoy, too.

A swaddle blanket: As a new dad, I was amazed when the nurses at the hospital were able to wrap my baby in the most perfect and soothing way. (The crying stopped immediately!) When I tried, it looked like a train wreck. The perfect swaddle wrap will do all the work for you.

A jogging stroller: I’d love to share my passion for a healthy lifestyle with my baby, so I’m taking him out for jogs with me using our jogging stroller. It’s great for long walks, too, and the smooth moving wheels make it so easy maneuver and travel from Point A to Point B.

A set of comfortable, yet unimportant, T-shirts: Believe it or not, your baby isn’t the

only one who will need many a wardrobe change. Kids spit up. Often. As such, it’s important to have a lot of comfortable tees available to change into when you do (because you will) get spit up on.

A good camera: Though a bit pricey, the ultimate gift really would be a good camera. Fatherhood is amazing, and kids change every week. Having a good camera is an essential tool in documenting that.

New dads (and new moms, too) can use any extra help they can get, so why not lessen their load with a helpful gift? They’ll be sure to thank you for it!

Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

by Kevin Cornish