Best Nursery Themes for Your New Baby

Your infant’s bedroom isn’t just for sleeping. You and your new baby will spend all hours of the day -- and night -- playing, relaxing, nursing, reading, and yes, snoozing, in the room, so it’s important to create a space that you want to be in too. The easiest way to put together a welcoming baby nursery is to pick a theme and go from there. Here, ten baby bedroom themes that both you and your baby will love.

Baby nursery theme number 1: Modern
An uncluttered, minimalist space makes for a classy baby nursery. But be sure to include some pops of color on the walls, fun accessories, and pictures hung at your child’s eye level. It will help engage your new baby and boost her learning while she’s playing on the floor or lying in her crib.

Baby nursery theme number 2: Baby girl
If a girly nursery is what you’re going for, look for floral patterns, which provide a nice alternative to an over-the-top pink theme. But keep in mind that exposure to traditionally “boy” toys will help boost your new baby’s learning, so be sure to include some toy cars or trains in the toy basket.

Baby nursery theme number 3: Baby boy
On the other hand, if you’re having a little boy you may choose to go with a boyish room. Nautical is a popular trend for boy rooms and a good way to feature the traditional blue color in a fresh and fun way.

Baby nursery theme number 4: Natural beauty
Whether you choose a tree mural or paint the ceiling with faux clouds, a nature-themed nursery can be very soothing. For this nursery theme, keep it simple. An earthy paint color and a few strategically placed paintings, pillows, and throws can go a long way to create a serene environment.

Baby nursery theme number 5: Animal accents
Animal-inspired décor is adorable, and babies love to look at the creatures and critters around their bedroom. Consider placing an animal mobile above the changing table. Every time you change your baby’s diaper, point out the names of the animals to boost your child’s learning (“That’s a horse, and horses say, ‘neigh’”!).

Baby nursery theme number 6: Smart baby
Another way to add an educational element to your new baby’s bedroom is with an alphabet theme. Frame letters of all sizes on your baby’s wall to create an original spin on alphabet art. For a fun learning activity, point out the letters to your new baby while you sing an alphabet song.

Baby nursery theme number 7: Polka party
If you prefer a pattern that doesn’t scream “baby” but is still appropriate for a nursery, polka dots are a good option. You can keep them to a minimum (say, just on his bedding), or, for a fun look, try dotting the walls.

Baby nursery theme number 8: Color splash
If you don’t want to go the traditional pink or blue route, think about focusing the room around a different color. Pale yellows and greens are popular choices.

Baby nursery theme number 9: Character fun
Take a cue from your favorite baby book or cartoon for a character-themed nursery. One sweet option is the Peter Rabbit series. From bedding to wall décor, you’ll be able to find plenty of bunny accessories to adorn your baby’s room.

Baby nursery theme number 10: Organic
An organic, chemical-free environment may be better for your child’s development. If you go this route, choose eco-bedding, organic blankets and throws, and nontoxic paints.

If decorating isn’t your forte, don’t worry. The only things your baby’s nursery really needs are a safe crib and engaging accessories to aid his learning and development. After all, your new baby certainly won’t judge your décor style!