The Cutest Newborn Photo Moments

As a new mom, I’d love nothing more than to keep a camera on my baby at all times so as to never miss anything new that he does -- ever.
Of course, that’s not reasonable. But I do want to make sure I snap as many of those adorable moments as I can. Now that my husband and I are a couple months into this parenting thing, I think I can safely say we’ve determined which newborn photos we just can't do without.
Once you've got the photos or digital snapshots, you can use them to create books of memories. The is a great way to document the first year of your baby’s life and a nice treat for friends and family, too.
Here are a few of my favorite, not-to-be-missed newborn photo opportunities:
The "Firsts" Shots: Of course you can’t always predict when a "first" will happen. But some important firsts are under your control -- such as the first tub bath, or the first time your baby tries a new food -- and for those, you can arrange to have a digital camera or phone on hand to document the baby milestone moment. The first smile is another great milestone to capture, if you can. On our first road trip to see family that lives far away, we were sure to snap a newborn photo of our son, all bundled up and snug in his car seat. That’s definitely a memory we wouldn’t want to forget.
The Personality Shots: The more your baby grows, the more he'll begin to reveal his personality. Anything your child does that you feel is just so fundamentally him -- that’s probably something you’d like to get a shot of. For example, my husband was a serious baby, and there are many photos of him with this great look of concentration on his face. Now my son makes the same faces! Whenever he does, I try to snap him in action so we’ll always have that memory.
The Sleep Shots: You can’t go wrong with shots of your sleepy baby snoozing next to Mom or Dad. Whenever my husband and our son fall asleep in the chair together, I never pass up an opportunity to snap that adorable newborn photo!
The "Is That Me?" Shot: As any new parent will attest, one of the cutest newborn photos is probably one of your baby checking himself out in a mirror. Babies are fascinated with faces, including their own, and mirrors make great toys for them. We were lucky to be able to snap a photo of our son’s car seat mirror while he was busy staring at himself. If that’s not fancy camerawork, I don’t know what is!
Photo by Ciprian Sam on Unsplash