Medicine Cabinet Must-Haves for Babies

Whether your baby is healthy or sick, the medicine cabinet has likely become one of your go-to parenting resources. A key baby safety practice is to always keep the cabinet locked so little ones don’t swallow anything they shouldn’t. Here’s what to have at home to keep your baby safe.

Must-have items

Most of the time, you’ll just be treating minor bumps and scrapes, so stock up on baby safety essentials, like antibiotic ointment, tweezers, and gauze. Calamine lotion is also a good idea for certain rashes and insect bites. And while you’re at it, store an ice pack and self-adhesive bandages in a variety of shapes and sizes (and princess or superhero designs!).

In case of fever, keep acetaminophen and ibuprofen on hand, though it’s best to contact your pediatrician before administering them to your sick baby. Also stock some electrolyte solution to combat dehydration caused by diarrhea or vomiting. Children’s cough syrup used to be a medicine cabinet staple, but lately experts have stopped recommending it for young kids. (Research shows that it doesn’t really help, and it poses a small risk of serious side effects.) Be sure to keep an eye on all expiration dates and restock as needed.

If your healthy baby or toddler takes vitamins, you may want to store them in your medicine cabinet as well, along with a rectal thermometer for taking his temperature.

Also post phone numbers for emergency help and poison control centers on the inside of the cabinet door, as well as near all phones. You might want to put your baby’s latest weight (update it regularly) with these numbers so you or a babysitter have it in case it’s requested during a call