Baby Safety at Home


Babies and toddlers have that sneaky tendency to get into all kinds of mischief, but it’s our job to keep them safe. Here is the baby safety information you need to make sure your living space is ready for your baby.

  • Cover all unused electrical sockets so your baby doesn’t try to put her fingers in them.
  • Remove rubber tips from doorstops. Your baby could try to put them in her mouth.
  • Hide cords for blinds and electrical appliances (or place them out of reach). They are a strangulation hazard.
  • Place protective padding over sharp corners, like the edges of the fireplace or coffee table, where babies and toddlers could injure themselves.
  • Install safety latches on all doors and cabinets. Store medicines and cleaning products only in cabinets your baby won’t be able to reach.
  • To keep them from falling, secure heavy items like TVs onto furniture.
  • Install safety gates at the top and bottom of the stairs.
  • Set your water heater to 125°F to prevent your baby from accidentally getting burned.
  • Make sure smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are working.
  • Put emergency numbers (e.g., your pediatrician’s and poison control center’s) near each phone for easy access.

Just as important, remember to share these baby safety tips with other family members or friends who your baby might be visiting often. This way, they’ll be able to make their homes safer for your little one too.

Photo by Khoa Pham on Unsplash